Sunday, December 11, 2016

Overland transport

We had debated leaving Happy Daze in Anacortes for the winter and then moving her to the East Coast next spring.  This would allow us to re-start our Loop experience where we left off from our earlier attempt.  But the thought of leaving this beautiful boat just sitting and exposed to the elements was depressing and wrong.  So, we opted for transporting her down to FL, where we could expect to enjoy her a bit over the winter.  It would mean retracing our tracks on Snow Bird, but there are much worse tasks to take on.

So out of the water she comes:

and on to the transport trailer:

She had to be winterized, bimini and side curtains removed, mast, radar, spotlight, and antennas all taken down and stored inside.

She left Anacortes on Nov 22, but was held up for Thanksgiving holidays and a snowstorm in Wyoming.  She arrived in Pensacola, FL on Dec 7.  She is now "on the hard" in the Pensacola Shipyard, getting put back together and cleaned up from the road trip.

We fly out Dec 18 to join her and see how she likes warmer waters.

1 comment:

  1. It's so fun being able to vicariously share your adventures��
